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2 Common Joints affected by Arthritis Pain

2 Common Joints Affected by Arthritis Pain

Arthritis symptoms include chronic swelling and inflammation of the joints, caused by degeneration of the tissue needed to keep the joint mobile. When Arthritis occurs, it can cause joint pain and stiffness that limits range of motion and movement. Arthritis generally takes time to develop and is very common in older people. In fact, the CDC estimates that around 50 percent of adults over the age of 65 have arthritis pain.

Hip Arthritis

One common area where arthritis is a problem is the hip joint. When this area swells, it causes extreme hip pain, which makes simple movements such as walking or bending very hard. The hip is a major weight-bearing joint, so it is especially at risk for osteoarthritis. 

Knee Arthritis

The knees are also a primary weight-bearing joint, which means they can be very susceptible to osteoarthritis. This causes knee pain that makes it hard to get around or do any movements that have a large impact. Additional risk factors for this type of arthritis include obesity, age, injury, and heredity. 

There are many different treatment options available for arthritis pain relief, including physical therapy, medications, and certain procedures. Without treatment, it can be completely debilitating.  Schedule an appointment now at 972-290-1507 with one of our expert Doctors to alleviate pain, restore function and optimize health.  

Neil Verma, MD Chief Medical Officer - *The opinions expressed herein are solely the opinions of the author. Information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Should you need medical advice, see your physician.

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