6 Medications to Relieve Pain

Pain Medication Management
Dealing with acute and chronic pain can take a huge toll on your wellbeing, especially when you feel like there is no way to get pain relief. Luckily, certain pain medications can be used to provide you with temporary and long-term pain relief.
In many cases, medications are a good tool to use until a more permanent solution can be found. Medications are rarely used solely on their own and are typically part of a comprehensive pain management treatment plan. We follow the CDC Guidelines for prescribing opioids for chronic pain. To learn more check out this link https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/prescribing/guideline.html
There are several different types of medication we might prescribe for you, including topical creams, anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxants, nerve medication, anti-depressants, hormones, and opiods. Opioids are usually used when other medications and first line treatment options have failed. Because these medications can be addictive and have side effects, we will carefully prescribe you the smallest amount necessary to achieve pain relief. Additionally, we will carefully monitor you so that the side effects don’t outweigh the benefits.
NSAIDS, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, are another important tool in our medication arsenal. These are less potent than schedule 2’s, and many can actually be bought over-the-counter. Some of the more popular types include aspirin, ibuprofen, Celebrex, Bextra, and Lodine. These medications can reduce swelling and inflammation to relieve pain. Because these drugs are non-addictive, they are safer for long term use.
These aren’t the only kind of medications we can prescribe. Muscle relaxants are another important tool for preventing the spasms and tightness that contribute to chronic back pain. Antidepressants can be used to help you deal with the mental and emotional anguish that comes from dealing with chronic pain conditions for so long. They are especially helpful in patients suffering from anxiety, sleep deprivation and depression. Anticonvulsants are a good tool for patients with nerve damage. Cutting edge research is also demonstrating that prescribing Testosterone for men can reduce pain. Pain medication may just be masking an underlying hormone deficiency. We can test your blood panel to evaluate for Low Testosterone and can offer Testosterone replacement to reduce pain and improve strength.
In order to find the right pain medicine for you, we will ask you about the duration and intensity of your pain. We will also take into account your past medical history, age, and other medications you are taking. Medications work differently in different people, so every patient will be evaluated for a custom treatment plan in order to create the right combination and dosage of medications needed for effective pain relief.
Call us at 972-290-1507 to schedule an appointment.
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