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5 Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis

On the bottom of your foot is a thick and broad band of tissue known as the plantar fascia. It stretches from the heel bone all the way to the metatarsal bones that make up your toes. In this position, the plantar fascia sits across the arch of the foot, tightening to keep the foot in the right position. If you have flat feet or extremely high arches, you could be at risk of suffering from foot pain known as plantar fasciitis.

5 causes of plantar fasciitis include:

One of the most noticeable signs of plantar fasciitis is heel pain that starts in the morning or after sitting for too long. You will primarily notice it on both the bottom and front of the heel. Usually, as your muscles warm up and stretch out, this foot pain disintegrates. The foot pain may start out as dull and intermittent, but can quickly worsen to sharp and chronic pain if not treated.

In order to get foot pain relief, orthotic devices can be created to help restore the natural posture and balance of your feet. Additionally, by strengthening and toning your muscles, we can help you restore function as your walk or run.  Our Doctors are experts at performing plantar fasciitis injections to alleviate pain, restore function and optimize health.  Schedule an appointment by calling 972-290-1507.

Neil Verma, MD Chief Medical Officer - *The opinions expressed herein are solely the opinions of the author. Information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Should you need medical advice, see your physician.

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